Australia concrete5 SSD Hosting is a leading provider of Australia concrete5 web hosting. We are a big supporter of the concrete5 project.

concrete5 is a very popular open source content management system that powers millions of website on the web. Our hosting environment is specifically configured to run concrete5 at the highest level. Sign up for our concrete5 Hosting today!

starting from

Best, Cheap and Recommended Australia concrete5 Hosting Solution is Microsoft No #1 Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner in Australia.

Microsoft presents this award to for the ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET, Silverlight and Visual Studio Lightswitch.

Best and Recommended concrete5 Hosting Solution

Concrete5 features in-context editing (the ability to edit website content directly on the page, rather than in an administrative interface or using web editor software). Editable areas are defined in concrete5 templates which allow editors to insert 'blocks' of content. These can contain simple content (text and images) or have more complex functionality, for example image slideshows, comments systems, lists of files, maps etc. Further addons can be installed from the concrete5 Marketplace to extend the range of blocks available for insertion. Websites running concrete5 can be connected to the concrete5 website, allowing automatic upgrading of the core software and of any addons downloaded or purchased from the Marketplace.

Hosting Overview

With our fully support on Linux Hosting, is the best choice to host your concrete5. The following are some of the reasons why you should choose us as your concrete5 Hosting provider:

  1. Best and Friendly Support

    Our support team is extremely fast and can help you with setting up on your account. Our customer support will help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

  2. Fast and Secure Server

    Our powerfull servers are especially optimized and ensure the best server performance. We have best data centers on three continent, unique account isolation for security, and 24/7 proactive uptime monitoring.

  3. Uptime & Support Guarantees

    We are so confident in our hosting services we will not only provide you with a 30 days money back guarantee, but also we give you a 99.9% uptime guarantee.