Best and Recommended Angular 6 Hosting Solution
Angular 6 is a client side JavaScript MVC framework to develop a dynamic web application. Angular 6 was originally started as a project in Google but now, it is open source framework. Angular 6 is entirely based on HTML and JavaScript, so there is no need to learn another syntax or language. Angular 6 changes static HTML to dynamic HTML. It extends the ability of HTML by adding built-in attributes and components and also provides an ability to create custom attributes using simple JavaScript.
Angular 6 has changed the way to web development. It does not based on jQuery to perform its operations. Till now you are using ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, PHP, JSP, Ruby on Rails for web development but now you can do your complete web development by using most powerful and adaptive JavaScript Framework Angular 6. There is no doubt, JavaScript frameworks like Angular 6, Ember etc. are the future of web development.